2021 MuseumInstaSwap How-To

Step 1

Find a partner to swap with and sign up in this Google Form before September 12.

Step 2

Prepare content about your own cultural institution. In the time before COVID-19, the structure of the original NYC Instaswap took many forms — often museums would physically visit their partner museum, and post about that field trip on their own museum Instagram. Last year, we took the swap global and recommended a “takeover” format to accommodate distancing. This year, we are back to our local format, so it is up to you and your partner to determine how you want to prepare content.

Step 3

If you are creating content in advance rather than physically visiting, please fully prepare your content (copy, handles, hashtags, and resized assets) so that your partner’s only responsibility is posting, especially story slides and Reels — and send content to your partner at least two business days (October 7) prior to Instaswap day to allow for any questions, concerns, or necessary approvals.

Step 4

The day before the Instaswap (October 11), announce that you’ll be swapping with your partner and invite your followers to tune in and use the hashtags #MuseumInstaSwap and #ArtsInstaSwap

Step 5

October 12 — InstaSwap Day!

Post away and let your partner know if you run into any problems. Remember to use the hashtag #MuseumInstaSwap on every post.

If you can, “like” posts using #MuseumInstaSwap.

Step 6

The day after the event, pull stats on the content (impressions, reach, engagement, comments, DMs, new followers, etc) to share with your partner.

How to choose a partner

Consider partnering with an institution whose audience doesn’t directly overlap with yours, but whose audience may have common interests. 

Find a partner that has a relevant initiative (exhibition, performance, mission, etc.) that supports your institution’s work to highlight in your swap. 

If you can’t find a partner or need help choosing one, please email members of the Task Force who will help to the best of their abilities. 

Consider that your partner’s audience may not be familiar with your institution, so think about how your content can introduce your museum in a cool way.

While we encourage larger institutions to partner with smaller institutions, we understand that may not be possible for everyone and this should not dissuade you from participating.

Send content to your partner so they have time to schedule it or go over any questions in advance of the day.

Connect with your partner early on, and think about what your two audiences have in common. When building your content about your own museum, consider what will pique the interest of your partner’s audience.

Make it as easy as possible for your partner to post the content –– make sure photos are already edited and cropped and that copy is complete. For IG Stories, let your partner know of any live links that need to be added (tags, hashtags, swipe up links) and be clear about the order of all slides.

Discuss the frequency and types of content with your partner to ensure a balanced partnership. For example, if your partner’s institution does not use Reels, consider using video specs instead of Reel specs. 

Cross-promote on other platforms, if appropriate. 

Introduce the #MuseumInstaswap in your first post. Something along the lines of: “Hi there! We’re X museum and today we’re taking over the Y museum’s Instagram as part of the 2021 #MuseumInstaswap…” etc.

Include the hashtag #MuseumInstaSwap on all content.


Q: Do I have to share my account login information with my partner account?

A: Nope! You will send content for them to post on their account. You never have to open your account for anyone else to go into.

Q: How much content should I produce for the day?

A: That’s up to you! We would recommend at least 3 posts on your feed and an IG Story of at least 5 slides to maximize engagement, but the ultimate decision on quantity is up to you and your capacity.


Q: My institution is outside of New York. Can I still participate? 

A: While this year’s InstaSwap is a New York-driven initiative, if your institution is outside of New York, you are still welcome to participate. However, the task force will primarily be supporting institutions in the New York/tri-state area.